Access the Spaceti Dashboard
To start, you will have to log in to the Spaceti domain. You can do this by visiting the login page, entering your domain name and logging in with your credentials.
Locate the Lockers page
You will find the "Lockers" tab in the left-hand menu under the "Administration" heading.
Locker page
On the Lockers page, you will find a list of all the lockers in your domain (all buildings). Namely, the ID/Name of the locker, who it is currently assigned to, for how long it has been assigned to this user and whether the locker is enabled or not.
Locker Details
By clicking on a specific Locker, you can view detailed information about it.
Mostly the same information as in the list but also who the locker is shared with and it's access log/ history of use.
Moreover, you can edit/change some of these details by clicking on the "Edit locker details" button in the left bottom corner next to the "Disable locker" button. Don't forget to click "Save."
Add/Create Locker
From here you can add new lockers. To do so click on the "Add" button in the upper-right corner.
This will bring up the following menu:
To add a locker, just enter the necessary details and click "Save."
Locker Preferences
To edit the preferences/settings of current lockers, click the grey "settings icon" next to the "Add" button in the top-right corner.
This will bring up the following menu. On the left-hand side is information inputted by the Spaceti team and should not be changed. The relevant preferences are on the right-hand side, where you may choose to limit how many lockers a single user can have assigned at once and the price for the Lockers.