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Spaceti Privacy Statement

Spaceti Privacy Statement describing which data and how they are collected and processed.

Updated over 6 months ago

Spaceti is committed to complying with SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, and other applicable national laws and regulations across the regions where we provide services.


Our sensor solution neither collects nor processes any personal data that could be used to identify an individual. Our sensors (Desk occupancy and room occupancy sensor) collect occupancy and movement data based on PIR (passive infrared) technology in rooms and workstations where sensors are installed.

Analytics data are usually merged (per department, per group of workplaces, per room, per floor, etc.) and individual workplace occupancy is not obtained.

Our sensors and gateways do not include any microphones, cameras, or similar technologies for recording voice or images.


We integrate other solutions like third-party sensors into the Spaceti platform. Our third-party sensor/solutions suppliers are always thoroughly evaluated and considered in terms of privacy, security, and functionality to ensure they align with our privacy framework, goals, and commitments.


In the case of your registration (creating your user account) to the Spaceti Dashboard or Mobile app, we record your name, email, and password in an encrypted form, as well as a personal picture (photo) of you (not obligatory).

If you are using the Booking functionality, we record the type of booking and information about who and when created the booking. If you are using the Smart Lockers functionality, we record the locker’s usage data. If you are using the Indoor Localization functionality and you are in the monitored building, we record your actual indoor location based on Spaceti Location sensors. Additionally, user-created content (newsfeed posts, pictures, events created, etc.) can be understood as personal data in some scenarios.




Is this system monitoring my timekeeping?

No, the system cannot identify or recognize an individual. Individuals will typically use multiple work styles or locations throughout a given day.

It all seems a bit like “Big Brother.” Isn't it just a way of checking that I’m at my desk working?

This is a natural and common feeling associated with space occupancy monitoring. Rest assured that the sensors can’t identify individual employees. It is purely a means of tracking how your workplace, collaboration rooms, conference rooms, and workstations are currently used. This data is used to plan for future office designs, expansion, team distribution, etc.

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