The connection between Disruptive Technologies and Spaceti is done on the cloud-to-cloud level. This means that the sensor itself is first connected to the Disruptive Technologies platform, fully provisioned there and only then it is available for the integration to Spaceti.
1. Create Disruptive Technologies Studio account
Follow this article to create account and provision sensors.
2. Create Data Connector in DT Studio
To start sending data to Spaceti, go to API Integrations section in DT Studio and create new Data Connector. Name it as you wish, set Endpoint URL to be and select All events to Forward.
3. Share Sensor IDs with Spaceti
Let us know Sensor IDs of the devices installed. We will add these device to our system and they will be available for the installation soon.
4. Connect DT sensor to Spaceti Platform
Place the devices in Spaceti platform using Map Editor and Sensor IDs as sensor identifier.
5. Check that the connection is successful
To check this, open the real-time map and check the sensor status. It should be Online. It can require a few minutes for the device to send a new message, so give it some time if the status is Offline.