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Parking - Calibration Process
Updated over 5 months ago

This document describes the calibration process of parking sensors after installation. This process requires the tools described below.

The calibration process means resetting the sensor under defined conditions (all parking spots nearby are empty) which leads to restarting the detection algorithm.


  • Sensors and gateways are physically completely installed

  • Sensors and gateways are deployed into the Spaceti system through the Map Editor

  • Empty parking spots near devices which will be calibrated


  • Laptop running Windows OS (can be offline) REF1

  • Spaceti receiver (PN: xxxx) REF2

  • Spaceti collector.exe program (in the latest release) REF3

  • Magnet KT-33-30-N or similar REF4

  • Access to Spaceti dashboard (to the specific client where sensors are installed)

  • Access to Spaceti partner portal (optional)

Note: Magnet REF4 is very strong and can cause failure of HDD (hard disc drive) and cause injuries. It’s important to follow safety regulations.


  1. Connect the Spaceti receiver REF2 to your computer USB port

  2. Launch collector.exe REF4 program

  3. Choose the corresponding COM port to the Spaceti receiver. It usually creates 2 COM ports, and only one has incoming data. In case you don’t receive messages from the beginning, try the second port by restarting the app.

  4. Put the magnet approximately 10 centimetres above the device and hold it there until you receive a message stating the format Device id:51490xxxxxxxxxxx started. ver:5.x.xx, SPI: OK, I2C: OK, UART1: OK, UART2: OK. where x is any number

  5. Immediately after this message is received, remove the magnet and proceed to the next parking spot

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all parking spots

Note 1: Using a bigger magnet than specified or the specified magnet closer to the sensor than 10 centimeters can cause permanent device damage.

Note 2: It’s important to remove the REF4 magnet from the calibrated sensor immediately and avoid any big metal parts near the calibrated sensor. Otherwise, this can cause detection issues.

Note 3: Avoid walking with a magnet over already calibrated spots, use the drive lanes of the parking lot instead.

After the installation

20 minutes after you have finished the restart of all parking spots, check the Spaceti dashboard or mobile app of the current building domain, where all restarted parking spots should be green. In case some of them are red, visit those places again and repeat the restarting steps on those places again. Check after 20 minutes again.


Q: What if the same device restarts every 20 seconds on its own?

A: Immediately look up the ID of the device which sends a restart message in a circle in the Spaceti partners portal. From there you will get a Serial Number (SN) of the device. The next step will be to find this device physically and put a magnet over this device again, wait until the next restart and remove the magnet. The device should stop restarting, if not – try this several times again. In case of any problems contact Spaceti support.

Q: What if a device is not sending any message after more than 20 seconds with the magnet nearby?

A: There are several possible issues which you need to try to resolve one by one:

  • The magnetic field of the magnet is not powerful enough for restart. Rotate the magnet by 90 degrees and wait for 40-60 seconds.

  • Be sure that there is no “undesired” space between the magnet and the sensor.

  • Your Spaceti receiver is not working properly. Check the cable connection or restart the device by unplugging it from the USB.

  • The Spaceti collector.exe program is not working properly or the wrong COM port is chosen. Try to restart the program and choose a different port if you are not sure to which port the Spaceti receiver is connected.

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