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Advanced Reservation Export
Advanced Reservation Export
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The manager or administrator has the ability to export reservation logs for one or more selected spaces, within a defined time range. This functionality allows them to easily retrieve comprehensive data about reservations, such as the space used, the user who made the reservation, the date and time of the reservation, and any other relevant details.

The export can typically be done in formats like .CSV or Excel for ease of further analysis or record-keeping

1. Export reservation

"Your Building" → Buildings management → Spaces → Export reservations

Option 1: Under the “…” menu, at the end of each space's line, click on “Export Reservations”.

Option 2: After selecting one or more spaces in bulk, go to the “…” bulk operations menu and select “Export Reservations”.

  1. Space selection

    Select one or multiple spaces for export

  2. Date selection

    Confirm the pre-selected (This month) or select a different period/date range (past or future) within which the reservations were or will be executed.

  • Confirm the pre-selected (This month) or select a different period/date range (past or future) within which the reservations were or will be executed.

  • By default, “This month” is selected - the export will include past and upcoming reservations.

The export file will be processed and downloaded by click on a Export button.

Good to know: The exported file contains the following columns as
Space type, Space name, Created at, Start at, Deleted at, Organizer's first name, Organizer's last name, and Email.

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